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Bibliography: Papoose Flat Pluton and other White-Inyo Range Plutons

White-Inyo Range Plutons and Plutonism

• Anderson, G.H., 1937. Granitization, albitization, and related phenomena in the northern Inyo Range of California and Nevada. Geological Society of America Bulletin 48, 1-74.
• Barth, A.P., J.I. Wooden, K.A. Howard, and J.L. Richards, 2008. Late Jurassic plutonism in the southwest U.S. Cordillera. Geological Society of America Special Paper 438, 379-453.

• Bartley, J.M., D.S. Coleman, and A.F. Glazner, 2003. Timing of plutonism and deformation in the White Mountains of eastern California. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences 97:383-396.

• Bartley, J.M., D.S. Coleman, and A.F. Glazner, 2008. Incremental pluton emplacement by magmatic crack seal. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 97, 383–396, 2008 (for 2006).
• Coleman, D. S., S. Briggs, A. F. Glazner, and C. J. Northrup, 2003. Timing of plutonism and deformation in the White Mountains of eastern California. Geological Society of America Bulletin 115 (1) 48-57.
• Coleman, D.W., J.M. Bartley, A.F. Glazner, and R.D. Law, 2005. Incremental assembly and emplacement of Mesozoic plutons in the Sierra Nevada and White and Inyo ranges, California. Field guide for field trip held in conjunction with the Field Forum “Rethinking the Assembly and Evolution of Plutons: Field Tests and Perspectives” 7–14 October 2005 Sierra Nevada and White and Inyo ranges, California. Field Forum Guide, pp. 1-51.
• Crowder, D. F., and D. C. Ross, 1973. Petrography of some granitic bodies in the northern White Mountains, California-Nevada. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 775, 28 p.
• Crowder, D.F., E.H. McKee, D.B. Ross, and K.B. Krauskopf, 1973. Granitic Rocks of the White Mountains Area, California-Nevada; Age and regional significance. Geological Society of America Bulletin 84 (1), 285-296.
• Emerson, D.O., 1966. Granitic rocks of the Mt. Barcroft quadrangle, Inyo batholith, California-Nevada. Geological Society of America Bulletin 77, 127-152.
• Ernst, W.D., 1996. Petrochemical study of regional/contact metamorphism in metaclastic strata of the central White-Inyo Range, eastern California. Geological Society of America Bulletin 108 (12), 1528-1548.
• Glazner, A.F., and D.M. Miller, 1997. Late-stage sinking of plutons. Geology 25 (12), 1099-1102.
• Hanson, Brooks, J.E. Conrad, and E.H. McKee, 1997. A tale of 10 plutons, revisited; age of granitic rocks in the White Mountains, California and Nevada; discussion and reply. Geological Society of America 109 (12), 1631-1632.
• Kistler, R.W., P.C. Bateman, and W.W. Brannock, 1965. Isotopic ages of minerals from granitic rocks of the central Sierra Nevada and Inyo Mountains, California. Geological Society of America Bulletin 72 (2), 155-164.
• Krauskopf, K.B., 1968. A tale of ten plutons. Geological Society of America Bulletin 79 (1), 1-17.
• Krauskopf, K.R., 1968. A tale of ten plutons; reply. Geological Society of America Bulletin 79 (9), 1245-1246.
• McKee, E.H., and D.B., Nash, 1967. Potassium-argon ages of granitic rocks in the Inyo Batholith, east-central California. Geological Society of American Bulletin 78 (5), 669-680.
• McKee, E.H., and J.E. Conrad, 1996. A tale of 10 plutons, revisited; age of granitic rocks in the White Mountains, California and Nevada. Geological Society of America 108 (12), 1515-1527.


Papoose Flat Pluton

• Brigham, R.H., 1984. K-feldspar genesis and stable isotope relations of the Papoose Flat pluton, Inyo Mountains, California. PhD Dissertation, Stanford University 172 p.
• Law, R. D., S. S. Morgan, M. Casey, A. G. Sylvester, and M. Nyman, 1992. The Papoose Flat pluton of eastern California: A reassessment of its emplacement history in the light of new microstructural and crystallographic fabric observations. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences 83, 361-375.
• Law, R. D., S. S. Morgan, M. Casey, A. G. Sylvester, and M. Nyman, 1992. The Papoose Flat pluton of eastern California: a reassessment of its emplacement history in the light of new microstructural and crystallographic fabric observations, pp. 361-376 in Brown, P. E., and B. W. Chappel, Editors, The Second Hutton Symposium on the Origin of Granites and Related Rocks. Geological Society of America Special Paper 272, 506 p.
• Law, R. D., A. G. Sylvester, C. A. Nelson, S. S. Morgan, and M. W. Nyman, 1993. Deformation associated with emplacement of the Papoose Flat pluton, Inyo Mountains, eastern California: Geologic overview and field guide, pp. 231-260, in Lahren, M. M., Trexler, J. H., Jr., and C. Spinosa, editors, Crustal Evolution of the Great Basin and the Sierra Nevada. Field Trip Guidebook for the 1993 Joint Meeting of the Cordilleran/Rocky Mountain Sections of the Geological Society of America, Reno, Nevada, 19-21 May, 1993. Department of Geological Sciences, Mackay School of Mines, Univ. Nevada, Reno, 498 p.
• Morgan, S.S., Law, R.D., and Nyman, M.W. (1998) Laccolith-like emplacement model for the Papoose Flat pluton based on porphyroblast-matrix analysis: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 110, p. 96-110.
• Morgan, S.S., R.D. Law, and M. de Saint Blanquat, 2000. Papoose Flat, Eureka Valley–Joshua Flat–Beer Creek, and Sage Hen Flat plutons: Examples of rising, sinking, and cookie-cutter plutons in the central White–Inyo Range, eastern California. GSA Field Guide 2: Great Basin and Sierra Nevada, 189–204.
• Nelson, C. A., G. Oertel, J. M. Christie, and A. G. Sylvester, 1977. Geologic map, cross sections and palinspastic geologic map of Papoose Flat pluton, Inyo Mountains, California. Geological Society of America Map and Chart Series 20.
• Nyman, M.W., Law, R.D., and Morgan, S.S. (1995) Conditions of contact metamorphism, Papoose Flat pluton, eastern California, USA: implications for cooling and strain histories: Journal of Metamorphic Geology, v. 13, p. 627-643.
• Paterson, S.R, Tom Brudos, Ken Fowler, Chris Carlson, Kim Bishop, and R.H. Vernon, 1991. Papoose Flat Pluton; forceful expansion or postemplacement deformation? Geology 1991 19 (4), 324-327.
• Saint-Blanquat, M. de, R.D. Law, J-L. Bouchez, and S.S. Morgan, 2001. Internal structure and emplacement of the Papoose Flat pluton: An integrated structural, petrographic, and magnetic susceptibility study. Geological Society of America Bulletin 113 (8), 976-995
• Sylvester, A. G., and J. M. Christie, 1968. The origin of crossed-girdle orientations of optic axes in deformed quartzites. Journal of Geology 76 (5), 571-580.
• Sylvester, A. G., 1969. A microfabric study of calcite, dolomite and quartz around Papoose Flat pluton, California. Geological Society of America Bulletin 80 (7), 1311-1327.
• Sylvester, A. G., G. Oertel, C. A. Nelson, and J. M. Christie, 1978. Papoose Flat pluton: A granitic blister in the Inyo Mountains, California. Geological Society of America Bulletin 89, 1205-1219.


Birch Creek Pluton

• Ayers, J.C., M. Loflin, C.R. Miller, M.D. Barton, and C.D. Coath, 2006. In situ oxygen isotope analysis of monazite as a monitor of fluid infiltration during contact metamorphism: Birch Creek Pluton aureole, White Mountains, eastern California. Geology 34 (8), 653-656.

• Barton, M.D., 2000. Overview of the lithophile element-bearing magmatic-hydrothermal system at Birch Creek, White Mountains, CA: Field trip day one, Birch Creek, White Mountains, CA. Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series 32, 9-44.
• Nelson, C. A., and A. G. Sylvester, 1971. Wallrock decarbonation and forcible emplacement of Birch Creek pluton, southern White Mountains, California. Geological Society of America Bulletin 82, 2891-2904.
• Shieh, Y.N., and H.P. Taylor, Jr., 1969. Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Studies of Contact Metamorphism of Carbonate Rocks. Journal of Petrology 10 (2), 307-331.


Sagehen Flat Pluton

• Bilodeau, B.J. and Nelson, C.A., 1993. Geology of the Sage Hen Flat pluton, White Mountains, California. Geological Society of America Map and Chart Series MCH-077, scale 1:24,000.


Beer Creek, Joshua Flat, and Marble Canyon Plutons

• Crawford, M.L, 1972. Plagioclase and other mineral equilibria in a contact metamorphic aureole. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 36 (4), 293-314.
• Dietl, C., 1999. Emplacement of the Joshua Flat-Beer Creek Pluton (White-Inyo Mountains, California): A story of multiple material transfer processes, in Castro, A., Fernandez, C. & Vigneresse, J.L. (eds.): Understanding granites: Integrating new and classical techniques. Geological Society of London Special Publication 169; 11-176.
• Dietl, C., E. Stein, and A. Kontny, 2001. Structural and petrologic aspects of the emplacement of granitoids plutons: Case studies from the western margin of the Joshua Flat pluton (White-Inyo Mountains, California) and the Flasergranitoid zone (Odenwald, Germany). Geological Society of London Special Publications 168.
• Dietl, C., and A. Longo, 2007. Thermal aureole around the Joshua Flat – Beer Creek Pluton (California) requires multiple magma pulses: constraints from thermobarometry, infra-red spectroscopy and numerical modeling. Geotectonic Research 95.
• Kontny, Agnes, and Carlo Cietl, 2002. Relationships between contact metamorphism and magnetite formation and destruction in a pluton’s aureole, White-Inyo Range, eastern California. Geological Society of America Bulletin 114 (11), 1438-1451.
• Morgan, S. S., 1998. Pluton emplacement, aureole deformation and metamorphism, and regional deformation within the central White-Inyo Range, eastern California. PhD dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic University, Blacksburg, 172 p.
• Morgan, S. S., R. D. Law, and M. de Saint Blanquat, 1998. Aureole deformation associated with inflation of the concordant Eureka Valley-Joshua Flat-Beer Creek composite pluton, central White-Inyo Range, eastern California. Cordilleran Section, Geological Society of America, Field Guidebook, edited by Behl, R. J., California State University, Long Beach, Department of Geological Sciences, 30 p.
• Morgan, S.S., R.D. Law, and M. de Saint Blanquat, 2000. Papoose Flat, Eureka Valley–Joshua Flat–Beer Creek, and Sage Hen Flat plutons: Examples of rising, sinking, and cookie-cutter plutons in the central White–Inyo Range, eastern California. GSA Field Guide 2: Great Basin and Sierra Nevada, 189–204.
• Nash, D. B., 1962. Contact metamorphism at Birch Creek, Blanco Mountain Quadrangle, Inyo County, California. MA thesis, Univ. California, Berkeley, 55 p.
• Nelson, C.A., 1998, The Beer Creek-Cottonwood igneous contact, southern White Mountains, California, pp. 175-179, in W.G. Ernst, and C.A. Nelson, editors, Integrated Earth and Environmental Evolution of the Southwestern United States: The Clarence A. Hall, Jr. Volume. Geological Society of America
• Simonds, C. H., III. 1969. Structure and contact metamorphism of calc-silicate rocks, Inyo Mountains, California. MS thesis, University of Illinois, Urbana, 62 p.
• Sylvester, A. G., C. F. Miller, and C. A. Nelson, 1978. Monzonites of the White-Inyo Range, California, and their relation to the calc-alkalic Sierra Nevada batholith. Geological Society of America Bulletin 89, 1677-1687.

Barcroft Pluton

• Ernst, W.D., 2002. Paragenesis and thermobarometry of Ca-amphiboles in the Barcroft granodioritic pluton, central White Mountains, eastern California. American Mineralogist 87 (4), 478-490.
• Ernst, W. G., D. S. Coleman, and C. M. Van de Ven, 2003. Petrochemistry of granitic rocks in the Mt. Barcroft area – Implications for arc evolution, central White Mountains, easternmost California. Geological Society of America Bulletin 115 (4), 499-512.
• Ernst, W.G., and D. Rumble, 2003. Oxygen isotopic study of Late Mesozoic cooling of the Mount Barcroft area, central White Mountains, eastern California. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 144 (6), 639-651.
• Hourigan, J., W.G. Ernst, and E. Esra Inan, 2003. Thermal Relaxation of a Magmatic Arc Complex, Mount Barcroft Area, Eastern California: 40Ar/39Ar Geochronologic Study of Hornblende and Biotite from Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks. International Geology Review 45 (10), 863-885.
• Michelesen, K.J., 2003. Heterogeneous Internal Fabric of the Mount Barcroft Pluton, White Mountains, eastern California: an Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility Study. MS thesis, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA.

Santa Rita Flat Pluton

• Vines, J. A., and R. D. Law, 2000. Emplacement of the Santa Rita Flat pluton as a pluton-scale saddle reef. Geology 28, 115-118.

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