Geologic Map of Birch Creek Pluton, White Mountains, Eastern California


red = Birch Creek pluton (Cretaceous)

pink = Beer Creek pluton (Jurassic)

purple = attenuated Harkless, Saline Valley, and Mule Spring formations (Lower Cambrian)

yellow = Poleta Formation (Lower Cambrian)

green = Campito Formation (early Cambrian)

blue = Deep Spring Formation (late Proterozoic)

gold = Reed Formation (late Proterozoic)

tan = Wyman Formation (Proterozoic)

Pre-intrusion north striking faults and subsidary north trending folds were displaced northwestward and bent and tightened by the pluton when it expanded northwestward during intrusion. Rocks along the west and north sides of the pluton are overturned.

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